Hinckley Parks Primary School

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Leicester Road
LE10 1LP


01455 632 556

Hinckley Parks Primary School

Would you like your child to attend our school? Please call our friendly team on 01455 632 556 to organise a visit!

Personal, Health, Social and Citizenship Education

PHSE Curriculum Overview.

A comprehensive scheme of work covers these very important aspects of the children’s education.Personal, Health, Social and Citizenship (PSHE) Education is taught weekly through discrete lessons as well as assemblies and class discussions. Topics are repeated each year, allowing children to recap on the previous years’ learning and then build on this until they leave Hinckley Parks in Year 6. The school teaches British and school values through these methods and embeds character skills development such as respect,
cooperation, teamwork, resilience and bravery through all curriculum areas. Sex and relationships education (SRE) is delivered across the whole school, using materials from the ‘Jigsaw’ PSHE scheme. Starting in Foundation Stage, children are taught through age- appropriate lessons using key vocabulary and discussions. We want our children to be adequately informed about their own development, and able to make responsible choices, ultimately making them more respectful and responsible as adults. The scheme takes into account the developmental stages of the children, running accordingly with each year
groups’ Science curriculum. It focuses on the core belief that everyone is equal and has the right to make their own choices.

Jigsaw - Relationship & Sex Education (RSE)

Please find information detailing our Jigsaw scheme for each year group, along with our school RSE letter, and the OWLS RSE letter.