Hinckley Parks Primary School

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Leicester Road
LE10 1LP


01455 632 556

Hinckley Parks Primary School

Would you like your child to attend our school? Please call our friendly team on 01455 632 556 to organise a visit!

Our Staff




Name Position
Mr D Harding Headteacher
Mrs C Suett Deputy Head Teacher
Miss I Warwick SENCO
Mrs K Sutton EYFS Lead, Teacher (Blossom)
Miss C Tollafield & Miss A Bailey EYFS Teacher (Acorns)
Mrs J Burton EYFS Teacher (Saplings)
Miss B Evans Year 1 Lead, Teacher (Apple)
Miss E Phelps Year 1 Teacher (Cherry)
Miss I Hill Year 1 Teacher (Pear)
Mrs S Handy-Turnock Year 2 Lead, Teacher (Magnolia)
Miss C Payne & Mrs S Bradshaw Year 2 Teacher (Fern)
Mrs R Child Year 2 Teacher (Willow)
Miss N Gaaloul Pupil Premium Teacher
Mrs J Ball Year 3 Lead, Teacher (Hazel)
Miss K Czopek Year 3 Teacher (Maple)
Mr C Carlin Year 3 Teacher (Chestnut)
Miss R Wallace Year 4 Lead, Teacher (Yew)
Miss E Cross Year 4 Teacher (Poplar)
Mr P Carvell Year 4 Teacher (Birch), Assistant Head Teacher
Mr B Goode Year 5 lead, Teacher (Ash)

Mrs C Hollingworth

Mr K Sohal

Year 5 Teacher (Beech)

Year 5 Teacher (Cedar)

Miss J Bates Year 6 Lead, Teacher (Oak)
Mr L Farrell Year 6 Teacher (Sycamore)


In addition to the teachers, our Family Support Worker, Deborah Grundy, is happy to provide confidential support and advice in relation to your child’s education, behaviour and wellbeing. She can be contacted between 8:30am and 4pm on 01455 632 556 or by email: d.grundy@hinckleyparks.leics.sch.uk